Merchant Account for Online Cigar Sellers or Tobacco Mail Order
Merchant Services We Provide
Electronic commerce (sometimes referred to as ecommerce) is the facilitation of online trading via computer networks such as the internet. Ecommerce has completely changed the way most businesses conduct their deals. Not only has ecommerce made transactions significantly faster and more reliable, but trading is also safer than ever. As a result, more and more people are now flocking over to ecommerce for their transactions. This has resulted in the demand for merchant accounts.
A merchant account is simply an account that allows traders to accept payments made via debit and credit cards. As most payments these days are made using payment cards, all businesses feel the need of a merchant account now more than ever. No trading industry is exempted from the rise in popularity of payment cards and merchant accounts. Industries like online cigar selling or tobacco mail order are also expected to accept payments made via credit and debit cards. If you run a business online that sells cigar online, you'll be amazed to see that almost all of your customers will wish to pay you via a payment card online. If you do not cater to the needs of your clientele, you run the risk of losing business.
In order to accept payments made via ecommerce, you must file for a merchant account. However, banks can outright refuse to grant your firm a merchant account. We make sure that our clients don't suffer from such a disheartening fate and they don't lose their clients to their rivals just because they couldn't accept Visa or MasterCard.
Online Merchants
It can be quite difficult for startups to set up a merchant account. Not only is the application process for getting one quite rigorous, but credit card processors like PayPal also reserve the right to deny tobacco mail order startups a merchant account without any reason. This can prove to be quite troublesome for new businesses trying to establish themselves in the industry. If your business model is built around the sale of luxury items like expensive cigars, unique pipes, or highly refined tobacco, most of your clients will be looking to pay you via payment cards. If your business does not have a merchant account, it can lose a substantial amount of customers. Thus, it is critical for your web page to have options to complete transactions via credit and debit cards. To ensure that your tobacco sale numbers continue to rise, we try to hook your startup up with a merchant account.
Another reason why our services are extremely valuable for startups is that we know the tobacco industry inside out. Speaking from years of experience in the industry, we highly recommend online cigar sellers to use a recurring billing scheme on their websites. For example, if you have clients with the same monthly tobacco demands, you can eliminate the hassle of charging them again and again manually by opting for subscription-based billing. This method allows you to charge your clients automatically at a predetermined time interval, which makes it the perfect choice for monthly membership fees and identical tobacco orders.
Before you start receiving funds online, you must also set up a payment gateway for your merchant account. Your gateway is what enables you to receive payments from your clients via payment cards. If you're an online cigar provider, there are many great payment gateway options for your firm to explore. We recommend using us for your cigar tobacco mail order service. These two are the best high-risk payment gateways at your disposal. Other popular options for online cigar sellers include High Risk Charge Payments Merchant Services (HMS). As the federal government has enforced regulations that have upped the scrutiny levels on all transactions dealing with tobacco and similar products, the tobacco-selling business is viewed as a very high-risk industry. Despite the risk associated with operating in such a market, these payment gateways welcome online tobacco sellers with open arms and equip them with the trading options necessary to succeed in the industry.
Another important aspect for you to entertain is the different types of banking options available for online cigar sellers. The norm of the industry is to use domestic banking options simply because they have lower rates and better banking security. However, we are here to tell you that startup businesses cannot discount offshore accounts as they're necessary for some types of business transactions. If you have clients overseas who use your outlet to meet their tobacco needs, you must set up an offshore account as only this trading option can facilitate the transactions between you and your foreign clients. Therefore, it is necessary for you to consider the pros and cons of each banking option before making an educated decision.
The online cigar selling industry is an incredibly complex industry. What may seem like a shallow business venture is actually an endless rabbit hole. There are many hidden charges and regulations that can stop the progress of your tobacco mail order business dead in its tracks. This has led many of our rivals to consider online cigar selling as a high-risk industry. However, we like to think of it is as a promising business opportunity. This is why all of our online tobacco-selling clients love doing business with us. We have a deep respect for their business choice and a deep understanding of the industry. This aspect of our business model completely differentiates us from our rivals. We always ensure that our clients are prepared for even the tiniest fluctuations in the market and aren't caught unawares by unforeseeable circumstances. In a nutshell, it is a necessity of this industry to use these trading options. What would separate your firm from others in the cigar-selling industry (should you opt for our services) is that your business model will be optimized to not only survive in the current market but also thrive.